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Default (in a whisper) Cilantro - frozen ?

"Julia Altshuler" > wrote in message
> Weiler wrote:
> > Has anyone tried this ? I wonder if it will lose its flavour.
> >
> > How about boiling the cilantro in a tiny bit of water and freezing
> > the liquid ?

> I've tried it. As far as I'm concerned, it loses all its flavor, so
> much so that it's not worth bothering with. Mind you, freezing is great
> for every other herb. It works wonders with basil, tarragon, parsley
> and thyme, just not cilantro. Boiling doesn't help. You might try
> pouring vodka or vinegar on top of the chopped cilantro, but again,
> while it helps with the other herbs, nothing captures the flavor of
> fresh cilantro. Still, I don't mean to discourage you. Keep
> experimenting and when you find the ticket to preserving the flavor of
> fresh cilantro, post again. I'd love to know. Seriously.

I frequently make recaito, I use
recao (culantro)
bell peppers
I chop it finely and then give it a spin in the blender with enough water to
mix it well. I then freeze it in ice cube trays. It keeps quite well.