Dee Randall wrote:
> "Melba's Jammin'" > wrote in message
> ...
> > In article >, "Bob (this one)"
> > > wrote:
> >
> >> Snobs are people who judge others or things on inappropriate
> >> Basing the judgement on settings or conditions that don't really
have to
> >> do with the central question.
> >
> > I dated a guy once who corrected a waiter on the pronunciation of
> > "claret". Waiter said CLARE-et. Date said, "Oh, you mean
> > Waiter didn't respond. :-0)
> > --
> > -Barb, <> 5/8/05.
> I've always wondered: if someone doesn't answer, what does that mean?
> Does it mean in this case, he wants to keep his job?
> Does it mean that it is not worthy of a response?
> Does it mean that he is dumbfounded that anyone would correct a
> waiter/somnier (sp?)?
> Does it mean that the person he would be responding to for making
> correction isn't worth the breath?
> What does it mean? All or none of the above?
What it might mean is that the waiter was better bred/politer than the
diner, as the diner's pronunciation was wrong and the waiter didn't
correct him.