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"Dee Randall" > wrote in message
>I am looking for a recipe used by anyone who swears by its being absolutely
>wonderful. I don't care where it has come from, internet, book, personal use,
>family recipe.
> I have tried and tried to prepare Mexican rice to my liking, but it never
> comes out tasting very good - to me. I've tried from authentic Mexican
> cookbooks, internet recipes, etc.
> Could anyone give me a tried-and-true recipe for Mexican rice that they
> really, really love and make over-and-over.
> Thanks so much!
> Dee

This was stolen from - Linda was one of the early
posters there.


This is my recipe for Mexican rice

Red Rice

1 tablespoon cooking oil, crisco or lard
1 cup long grain white rice
1 good size clove garlic,diced
approx 1/8 tsp. black pepper
1/2 onion, diced
1 tomato, diced
1/4 cup tomato sauce
pinch of ground comino (cumon)
2 cups water
4 tsps. Knorr chicken bouillon granules ( or as sold in mexican markets, Knorr
caldo de pollo)

Brown the rice in the oil,crisco or lard, over medium heat, stirring constantly
so rice doesn't burn..
Add the garlic,onion, black pepper,dash of comino and stir for a minute. add the
diced tomato and tomato sauce, stir until blended. Add the water and chicken
granules and stir until thoroughly mixed. Bring to a boil, cover and lower heat
and cook for 15-18 minutes, being careful to never lift the cover off the pan
while the rice is cooking.Turn off the heat at the
end of cooking time, let sit for 5 minutes, remove cover, fluff with a fork to
blend seasonings and serve.

Makes 3 cups cooked rice.

(Note: salt is omitted because the chicken bouillon is salty enough)
