"Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
> On Mon 09 May 2005 12:05:51p, Dee Randall wrote in rec.food.cooking:
>> I am looking for a recipe used by anyone who swears by its being
>> absolutely wonderful. I don't care where it has come from, internet,
>> book, personal use, family recipe.
>> I have tried and tried to prepare Mexican rice to my liking, but it
>> never comes out tasting very good - to me. I've tried from authentic
>> Mexican cookbooks, internet recipes, etc.
>> Could anyone give me a tried-and-true recipe for Mexican rice that they
>> really, really love and make over-and-over.
>> Thanks so much!
>> Dee
> Considering all that you've tried, Dee, you need to describe exactly what
> the
> characteristics are that you're looking for. There are many ways to make
> it,
> as you've already found out.
> Wayne Boatwright
The best I can describe it is thusly:
1. Rice fried in pan on top of stove in what I consider the 'mexican style'
only because a friend of mine from Nicarauga used this method. I recall her
doing it that way and it was the greatest (she's since passed on - no chance
of getting her recipe). She finished up the rice on top of the stove. (I've
done this many times.) I've given up lately and just make my mexican rice
in a rice cooker, rendering mediocre, at best mexican rice. I've been thru a
number of recipes over the last few years.
2. Tomato-y. I can't get a happy medium between a bitter/sweet taste of
tomatoes. I don't want a a taste of 'tomato juice'. I've used various cans
of Mexican tomato sauce, hot and medium, but that is not the tomato-y taste
I'm looking for either. I don't like at all a can of stewed tomatoes added
for the tomato ingredient.
3. I don't care for any 'extras' i.e., corn, cheese, an excess of green
4. I don't want to use lard -- my friend didn't use lard, either.
5. I like cumin and hot peppers, but how much is the issue.
6. I usually use for this type of dish a jasmine or tex-mex type of rice.
6. I know that all this is subjective. I am looking for a recipe that is
very very simple. I'm thinking it must be technique as well.
But if anyone has a tried-and-true recipe of a simple Mexican rice, let me
Thank you.