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Default Orange Pie? Never

Anne Bourget wrote:

> Look, if the most egregious thing that is ever said about me is that I
> posted a recipe for orange pie to I think I am doing
> pretty well.
> While I am sure that some people may find orange pie to be delectable,
> for some reason I do not. I have pondered why this is so, and cannot
> come up with a logical explanation. This is all especially illogical,
> since I have never even tried an orange pie. I like lemon pie and all
> sorts of fruit pies, but the concept of orange pie leaves me cold.
> I was just about to confess that one of my favorite fruit pies is
> rhubarb, and then realized that 99% of this group's readership would
> probably stone me and chant "rhubarb is a vegetable" while doing it.
> But a good rhubarb pie is something to behold.
> Years ago I stumbled upon a diner that attracted a large breakfast and
> lunch crowd from the nearby businesses. Homemade soups, breads, and
> desserts. This place was a true find. When it came to dessert I jumped
> for joy when I spied rhubarb pie on the menu. My lunch compamion
> ordered apple. The pieces of pie arrived and both looked like the real
> thing: delicate crust, juicy filling, and a bit of sugar sprinkled
> over the top crust. My first bite confirmed the high status of the pie
> maker. It was just delicious. When I asked my friend if he would like
> to taste my pie, he hesitated but agreed to an ever so small bite
> after which he exclaimed, "That is the worst pie. You don't put
> vegetables in a pie." So, no matter how good the pie, if you hate
> rhubarb nothing is going to sway you from your convictions on the
> subject. I asked him what he thought about tomato pies? That shut him
> up. Rhubarb may be a vegetable and tomato may be a fruit, but I would
> rather eat a rhubarb pie for dessert any day.
> Anne Bourget

Perhaps that those that do not like or would not think of eating an
orange pie equate it with a marmalade. Or perhaps there is some fear of
a tart pie. Calling your reaction illogical is the exact reason why some
people prefer one thing over another. Subjectivity is not very rational.
But so it will be, always.

"If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion, and
avoid the people, you might better stay home."
--James Michener