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Default request for help with online survey

We are a research team, based at the Open University in the UK,
conducting a study into peoples' privacy concerns when they are using
the internet. The study is funded by the UK Economic and Social
Research Council ( As part of this study we are
running an internet privacy survey which we would like to ask you to
participate in.
The aim of the survey is to establish benchmarks for a new a scale of
privacy concern and behaviour developed as part of a research project.
This is important because only when good, reliable measures are
available will it be possible to study privacy-related behaviour in
detail. We understand that this survey may not be of direct interest to
you however, to validate the scale we need the responses from a wide
range of people.
The survey consists of 2 short sets of questions about any
Internet-related privacy concerns you may have, and any actions you use
to protect your online privacy. It should take around 5 minutes to
complete and all of the information we collect will remain completely
confidential. No identifiable information about you is requested in
this survey, and you are free to leave the survey at any time. If you
are happy to participate please go to the following URL:

We will close the survey on Monday 30th May 2005.

Once the study is complete we will of course provide a summary of the
results on our website (we will post a message to the
list to let you know when the summary is ready).

Thank you in advance for your help,

Dr. Adam Joinson and Dr. Carina Paine,
Institute of Educational Technology
The Open University
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom