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(maxine in li'l rhody) wrote:

>DH is headed for SL next week for a few days, and he likes to eat.
>Any locals have some good cheap eats recommendations for things he
>won't find up here in the NE? Cheap by him is under $10 for an
>maxine in ri

Rigazzi's is on Market St. just off Tucker Blvd, not that far from
downtown. This Mapquest link wil get you a map:
I'm still waiting to hear back from Dog, because Im not sure it's as
good nowdays as it was back then - red and white checkered
tablecloths, screen door and the whole schmear. Food outa this
world. It's the only resturant I've ever been to, BTW, where the
owner actually met us at the door, and told us we were welcome there
anytime as long as we didn't bring "the jerk" (whose B-day we were
celebrating) back again. Once we got the poor sap back to work (he
drank 6 32-oz fishbowls of beer and ate nothing) the Vice President
tried to give him a briefcase for a present, he ended up using the
foulest language you could possibly imagine, and got fired on the
spot. Happy Birthday. I don't even remember his name, but I can
still see his sad little face.

The Doc says my brain waves closely match those of a crazed ferret.
At least now I have an excuse.