Siobhan Perricone wrote:
> On Thu, 12 May 2005 02:27:05 -0500, Katra
> wrote:
> >He [Sheldon] is always a fun read,
> Not really. Not always. Not when he calls you a **** just because he
> tell what a metaphor is.
> --
> Siobhan Perricone
Point taken. My DH, who participates in some of the more "technical"
NGs, was telling me that they have "moderators". So if the thread gets
too off the topic and becomes really abusive, they junk it before it
gets out there. I know people are going to remind me about freedom of
speech and all that, and tell me that I don't have to read it etc., but
I think, in some cases it's a good idea. Take Sheldon, if you must:
more often than not he comes up with great ideas and he really has a
sharp sense of humor. So I usually read his posts....and have to put up
with the consequences..