In article >, Terry Pulliam
Burd > wrote:
> On Wed, 11 May 2005 16:00:23 -0500, Melba's Jammin'
> > wrote:
> >In article . com>,
> >"Cathy" > wrote:
> >
> >> >
> >> > Or become more selective about what/who to read.
> >> >
> >> > gloria p
> >>
> >> Yes, agreed... but being fairly new to this NG am still learning
> >> that... Maybe you have a "preferred authors' list" that I can refer
> >> too? 
> >
> >I'm partial to the Bobs and to notbob, to Victor Sack, to Margaret
> >Suran, Terry Pulliam Burd, Michael Odom, and a few others. Including
> >Gloria. :-0)
> Well, my goodness, girlie! Thank you for the vote! I'd include you and
> all of the above in my list, along with Damsel, Nancy Dooley, Michael
> (Dog3), Dimitri, Charlie...well, heck, the Sandy Eggo Cookin
> bunch...Peter Aitkin, Kate Connelly and a few others whose names
> escape me after 2 glasses of chardonnay.
> Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd
> AAC(F)BV66.0748.CA
And I should be whomped upside the head for neglecting to include
Dimitri on my list. Not only do I enjoy his online posts, he's a prince
of a man IRL. To wit, yesterday we received a box of TJ Cioppino
simmering sauce from him! Addressed to Holy Mother Superior me. From
Man Cannot Live By Jam Alone Dimitri. The postman thought it was very
funny. I think it's tasteful. And tasty. :-0)
-Barb, <> 5/8/05.
"Are we going to measure, or are we going to cook?" -Food Critic Mimi Sheraton