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  #69 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Damsel > wrote:

>Okay, now my brain hurts.

So does mine - now don't blame me for that, Carol. BTW, strike that
out and reverse it - I had to change it from "otherwhitemeat" to
"otheryeller meat" so I wouldn't be accused of being racist. I have
actually, believe it or not, tasted gator meat and it's pretty darn
good. "Tastes like chicken" <G>. It's just a tad incredibly
expensive though, for my taste. I'm not really sure, since I don't
like to ask too many questions about what I'm eating <G> but I think
they cook the tail meat - it really is very good.

The Doc says my brain waves closely match those of a crazed ferret.
At least now I have an excuse.