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Damsel wrote:
> cathyxyz > said:
>>I TOLD you we lived on a "small-holding"

> Yes, you did. But who the hell knows what a small-holding is? LOL!
> Carol

Sorry, different lingo, I guess. A small-holding is around the 10ha
mark. I think if it goes above that, they call it a "farm"....
But no kidding, we did have cows (or bulls to be exact in our back yard)
I have a pic somewhere... When we moved in, the fencing was not great,
so we had a new electric fence installed. While they were busy putting
it up, the bulls coudn't resist all the long grass on our side and just
pushed thru the fence (before it was electrified). Once the fence was up
and running, they became very wary of it. Who says cattle are stupid?
heh heh
Cathy - still stretching the thread