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Default Alternative to Ground Beef?

>Dog3 wrote:
>penmart01 wrote:
>> I really don't see the big inconvenience in grinding ones own meats.

>This is a bit off topic for this thread. I have a couple of friends that
>buy beef in bulk. They'll buy a side of beef and keep it in the deep
>freeze. They have all kinds of different cuts. Have either you or Jack
>done this? I'm sure it's less expensive than buying from the supermarket
>or butcher. It would take us forever to go through that much beef. About
>how long can you keep beef like this in the freezer without burn? I would
>certainly do a lot more of my own grinding if I could buy in bulk without
>wasting a lot of it.

Sides of beef are sold untrimmed, so unless you will use every bit there really
is no economic advantage... and freezer shelf life is the least of it. There
will be lots of bone, fat, and gristle... not to mention some cuts you would
never consider. It's more advantageous to peruse the sale items featured at
your favorite stupidmarkets and stock up on those cuts. Often there are large
boneless chuck roasts and top round roasts on sale, those are excellent for
grinding... and will cost less per pound than whole sides.. especially a
bargain as they are already fully trimmed, no waste.

---= BOYCOTT FRENCH--GERMAN (belgium) =---
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
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