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Default (in a whisper) Cilantro - frozen ?

>JuliaR Altshuler fabricated:
>DRB wrote:
>> Would you mind elaborating on the freezing of fresh parsley? I just bought
>> a bunch tonight for some sauce I'm making tomorrow, but will only need a
>> teaspoon. I'm not making anything else this week that require parsley, so
>> I'd like to freeze the rest of it.

>I recommend the vinegar and the freezer. Give the clean herb leaves a
>spin in
>the blender as you say with a little vinegar to help the blades work.
>Freeze in
>an ice cube tray. When frozen, remove to a plastic bag. I've been doing it
>like this for years and love the results. You can also use wine. Every
>out there will be improved by a vinegar-herb cube or a wine-herb cube.
>Toss a
>vinegar cube into salad dressings. Toss a wine cube in marinara sauce.
> Toss a
>wine cube in sauteed mushrooms. Toss a vinegar cube in curries. In
>each case,
>put the cube into the dish just as it is finished cooking and heat only
>to thaw and heat. Don't boil the herbs or they lose flavor.
>The cube method has worked for me with basil, tarragon, dill, parsley. I've
>never been able to capture the flavor of fresh cilantro. My sage and
>have such tough leaves that the flavor works, but the texture is all
>wrong. I'm
>still working on a method for them. I might end up pureeing and then
>through cheese cloth though that seems like a lot of work.

Were you believeable (NOT) your freezer would be a garbage dump... frozen
wine...what a lot of hooey!

Freezing parsley is easy (requires no carnival act). Pick over and discard all
bruised/damaged parts. Rinse parsley with cold water and blot. Pinch leaves
from stems. Place leaves on paper towel and fold over. Roll stems in a paper
towel. Bag each separately in a zip-loc. Use stems for flavoring
stocks/soups/stews. Use frozen leaves same as fresh.

Shove ice cubes up your LiaR crotch!

Ahahahahahahahahahaha. . . .

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