"Katra" > wrote in message
> In article ws.net>,
> "Shaun aRe" > wrote:
> > > Be a storm chaser. :-)
> >
> > I would have loved that, but I would never do anything of the like while
> > I've got a family at home! It'd kill them!
> Yeah. I know what you mean!
Yeah, I'd love a motorbike again, but I couldn't put them through that. I
might get away with a litle scooter though... heheh...
> When my sis' and brother in law (with Nephew #1 and the second one in
> the "oven") moved to AZ, Chas' said they saw a tornado in West Texas on
> the way. Sis' was smart. She was SCARED. Chas' thought it was neat.
> Always knew my BIL was crazy!
I believe I would both think it neat and be scared of it - they're not
mutually exclusive in my book!
> Sun' had Nephew #2 last month. His name is "Morgan". :-)
Sweet! ',;~}~
> > > It's odd, every season, I have nightmares about tornado's and I hope I
> > > never see one up close!
> >
> > Me either anymore! I've seen hay devils up-close in Norfolk though -
> > twisters that pick up the cut hay from the fields and spiral it up
> > anywhere from ~20 to ~150 feet high - fascinating to watch! Aparently
> > see them often down there.
> Hee! Yea, I see those here too, but they are usually "dust devils".
> Or sometimes trash devils in the freeway meridian if it's been awhile
> since a cleanup crew went thru.
LOL! Yeah, I've seen those a few times but only small - not ~100 foot high!
> > > Yeah... and then there were deductibles on the cars too! :-(
> > > Mine and dad's.
> >
> > A hazard of life for you over there, like big puddles for us here then,
> > ',;~}~
> I've got to visit England one of these days!
I'm sure you'd love it, depending where abouts here you visit.
> How goes the hoop house greenhouse?
It goes well! It's bigger than I thought in actual dimensions (I thought 10
x 18, but it's actually 12 x 22 feet), and it looks even bigger than that!
We've just got to finish off now, drop the sides to tension the sheeting,
put membrane under the outside skirt, dig the plots over etc. We have a
central path laid and all else is done now!
I have some pictures I here I took last night just to show you - if I get
chance to DL and crop them for E-mail, I will send them to you ',;~}~
> Chili petin blooming yet? Mine is.
Nope! It's looking a bit tired actually - it's amazing it survived last
winter, saince it was so cold here for so long - it wiped the other plants
out. It'll come back though, soon enough!
> > but I tink what would run through my mind, would be: "SHIIIT! What if I
> > OUT in the open under that stuff?!?!?" IYSWIM!
> Yeah... Mom kept yelling "go cover the cars"!
> Yeah right mom. I'm gonna go out in golfball sized hail!
> Not! <lol>
Heheheh, like runnning into the burning house to save the pet goldfish LOL!
> > > It only lasts minutes but that's all it takes!
> > >
> > > Does a number on the garden too.
> >
> > Yup - I would be scared for the plants too, and now, the polytunnel LOL!
> I take it that is going well then?
> Cool! If you have space for more plants now???
Yup - going great, shit-loads of new space - tomatoes going in there soon,
then chiles and gawds knows what else we'll think of ',;~}~
Oh! Been meaning to say - that last cactus cutting, the vertical one - it's
not taken yet - no roots, no shoots, but it's remaining green and firm, so
there's a chance yet.
The other news is the PT babies - I have about 3 *new* ones that have just
sprouted over this past couple weeks or so, after all this time! Cool or
what huh? ',;~}~
> > > Don't count on it. :-(
> > > City properties are not suburban or urban properties.
> > > City housing developments tend to be double what they are here with
> > > less than 1/2 the size. People live in each others pockets for twice
> > > price. You can hear your neighbors having sex in their bedroom FFS!!!
> >
> > Hey - they can hear us from up the street apparently... heheheh...
> <lol>
> Bragging or complaining? ;-D
Heheheh, I ain't sayin' ',;~}~
I just know Simon was walking home early hours one day - next day he
cheekily asked Kath when she'd decided to take up religion - she positively
melted on the spot with embarassment LOL! Me, well, I was just... proud...
typical male reaction, heheheh...
> I see you are enjoying this list.
> Good group eh? :-)
Yup! I been eating more at work since I started here though, heheheheh...
Yeah, some great folks, good humour, excellent tips and info, and uhhmm,
Sheldon, LOL! You know me Kat - I just can't help being mischievous, can I?
Shaun aRe
May all your wishes be both wise and fulfilled.