"robustini" > wrote in message
> Hi All
> After looking at a few of the recipe software products available eg
> "cookbook wizard or Big oven etc" Are they worth it/ can you recommend
> one etc etc.
> thx
> rob
Any good recipe program is worth it, IMO. I love the one I use -- Now You're
Cooking. It does everything the rest of them does, maybe mo Keeps
multiple cookbooks, searches across cookbooks, categorizes, menu planner,
conversions, nutritional values, shopping lists, shopping aisles, coupon
keeper, cooking glossary, eliminates duplicate recipes from multiple
cookbooks, imports text, web page/e-mail/ng imports using a screen import
function, imports other (or exports to) major recipe programs recipes, has a
library of hundreds of thousands of recipes on its site, and prints out
recipe cards of all sizes. (When someone asks you for a copy of a favorite
recipe, you can give it to them in the size they'll want to store. That's
slicker than only having it available in .rtf or .doc file or plain
print-out for them.)
I like the NYC feature where I can paste a picture into the recipe. It's
nice being able to scan a recipe from the newspaper or magazine, at keep the
photo, too.
There's a Yahoo newsgroup for it and the program's author, Gary Hauser,
answers people's questions himself.
There should be a 60-day trial version on the web:
I started collecting recipes back in the DOS days using MealMaster. All my
original recipes transferred over successfully.