"Shaun aRe" > said:
>Oh, I used to be a real ponderer, a real searcher - I had theories 'out the
>yin yang' as they say. Now I am more content to let life and the Universe
>show me how it all works, what it's all about, by just *being* in, amongst
>and a part of it. I used to think too much and know too little, then I found
>the thinking was not helping me know more, rather it was just confusing
>I used to love reading quantum physics stuff (only that which was written
>with the layman in mind - wouldn't have understood any more than some of
>that.), metaphysics, eastern religions/mysticism and such - helped make a
>lot of sense out of that which *is* in life and the Universe, and yet is not
>apparent to us for the most part. My favourite book actually combined
>physics, metaphysics and eastern religion(s) together and was *fascinating*
>to me - it was The Dancing Wu Li Masters by Gary Zukov (sp?) - if you ever
>get a chance, you should read that - it's a priceless book!
So *this* is why you intimidate the hell out of me intellectually! Next to
yours, my brain seems more like an acorn squash than anything else.