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Default Questions on growing Ginger

On Sat, 17 Jan 2004 22:07:54 GMT, David Wright
> wrote:

>On Sat, 17 Jan 2004 21:19:31 GMT, "Kswck" > wrote:
>>I live in the northeast US and would like info on planting ginger in the
>>spring/summer(whenever applicable).
>>Can anyone help?

>My method is to buy a healthy-looking chunk of ginger root at the
>grocery store and plant it about 6-8 inches deep. Water and wait for
>the stems to sprout, and dig down for some of the root when you think
>it's time. Works for me, but I'm in a warmer climate. Maybe you might
>try some in a pot, so you could bring it inside in cold weather.

Sorry, missed the OP's original.

I suggest a largish pot. It will warm more quickly than the
ground.and can be brought into a protected area when the temp falls in
the autuum.

FWIW, Indian friends suggested to me that I should start with those
older, wrinkled little pieces that are left over from cooking and are
beginning to sprout in the basket on the counter... They claimed that
these would more quickly produce foliage and were less prone to rot in
the ground before they spouted.. It worked for me. I keep two used
nursery containers (about 20"dia x 18" tall) into which I dump "used"
potting mixtures and compost. They grow ginger, galangal, and
turmeric. All require warm soil to initiate growth. All will cease
new growth or die back to rhizomes much below 15C. (galangal is the
most hardy in my experience)