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Gregory Morrow
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Nancy Young wrote:

> "Cathyxyz" > wrote
> > Nancy Young wrote:

> >> You probably won't want to hear this, but you made me cry. I need
> >> hip replacement and I'm terrified. For every person who says, oh

> > it's
> >> no big deal, I hear a horror story. I'm getting more scared as this

> > thread
> >> continues.

> > Sorry to hear that Nancy. Look at it this way: if he hadn't had the
> > operation he would have spent the rest of his life in a chair. He is up
> > and around and still plays tennis!! I know the operation sounds
> > horrific, but I think it's one of those things that is well worth it in
> > the end... very sorry I upset you

> I owe you an apology. I'm the one who upset you. The low level
> pain and the inability to handle stairs or whatever is upsetting to me.
> That's from a childhood injury that is getting worse. Osteoarthritis.
> I'm on the treadmill trying to avoid surgery. I'm just scared to death.
> It's my problem, not yours, you have nothing to be sorry about.
> Thank you to everyone who responded. You all made me smile.

An 86 - year old friend of mine recently had hip replacement surgery...she
was all crippled up, could hardly she is up and around, driving,
even going to the senior center for exercise's a new lease on

It's initially scary but I'm sure you'll do just fine. *Any* kind of
surgery is naturally pretty's human nature.

You'll be okay, relieved after it's over...this kind of surgery is fairly
routine these days :-)
