JimLane > wrote:
>Andy wrote:
>> (AlleyGator) wrote in
>> :
>>>Maybe I just haven't paid attention, but I haven't seen anything from
>>>Sheldon lately. I know some of you keep in touch by email now and
>>>then. Anybody heard from him? I know we have our little battles now
>>>and then, but I hope he's not sick or something.
>>>The Doc says my brain waves closely match those of a crazed ferret.
>>>At least now I have an excuse.
>> We all know he's sick, whether or not he'll completely recover is an
>> inigma.
>> Probably finally ate his own cooking!
>> Actually hoping he's high-rolling in Vegas.
>> Andy
No, Andy, I'm actually serious here - I know that's hard to believe,
but trust me. I haven't been as diligent as usual, keeping up with
all the stuff going on here, but I have to to tell you - the last time
we had had it out, I was just a little bit worried about him - I
seriously don't set out on purpose to tick him off, but it just didn't
seem normal, for any of us. I know some some of you think less of
him, but I like the guy and probably always will. He reminds me a
great deal of someone in my family that only a few of us understood
enough to realize that he was so many light-years beyond our
intelligence. Sorry - I like him, and I just wonder a little bit if
he's OK. He didn't answer my "ping" but I know he hates pings with a
passion, so that's no surprise. Just curious.
>Since almost the entire ng took his misbehavior on, he's sulking.
The Doc says my brain waves closely match those of a crazed ferret.
At least now I have an excuse.