Ken Davey wrote:
> jmcquown wrote:
>>AlleyGator wrote:
>>>Maybe I just haven't paid attention, but I haven't seen anything from
>>>Sheldon lately. I know some of you keep in touch by email now and
>>>then. Anybody heard from him? I know we have our little battles
>>>now and then, but I hope he's not sick or something.
>>He just posted something today about the faucet return Lowe's thing.
> Maybe he has found a new (anti-offensive) drug and therefore has nothing to
> say?
Nah. He's just "Vants to be alone"... he'll come outta hiding, when he's
good and ready.... (just before we are ready to call out the National
Guard, FBI, CIA, J Edgar Hoover (oops - he's dead)

)... you get my drift?
Cathy - who's tongue is almost thru her cheek
ps Sorry about the "hit and run" 'Gator... Mom arrived safely and has
now turned in for an early night, so I am trying to sift thru the day's