(AlleyGator) said:
> I haven't been as diligent as usual, keeping up with
>all the stuff going on here, but I have to to tell you - the last time
>we had had it out, I was just a little bit worried about him - I
>seriously don't set out on purpose to tick him off, but it just didn't
>seem normal, for any of us.
Gator, don't worry. You didn't set him off. It was that moron, Chung.
You just caught some of the shrapnel.
If you want to spend some time Googling, you'll discover that he goes off
like that, usually without provocation, on a semi-regular basis. Since I
resubscribed this calendar year, though, he's usually been on his best
behavior (of course, I have the racist, religious, and international stuff
killfiled, so I don't know what might be going on there).
What's that nursery rhyme? "When he's good, he's very good, but when he's
bad, he's horrid."