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Goomba wrote:

> Sooooooooooo.. what part of that recipe made it "Amish"??
> I have a recipe that actually is tasty and doesn't require a can of
> cream of anything soup, but I don't claim it's Amish either....
> 8 pork chops
> 1/2 cup ketchup
> 1 tsp salt
> 1 tsp celery seed
> 1/2 tsp nutmeg
> 1/3 cup vinegar
> 1 cup water
> brown chops. mix remaining ingredients and pour over chops.
> Cover and bake 275 for 2 hours.

Well, that's obviously a DUTCH recipe, so you SHOULDN'T claim that it's
Amish. Here's a similar recipe of mine:

4 pork chops
2 green bell peppers
bottle of chili sauce
3 tablespoons prepared mustard
small can of pineapple chunks

Brown chops. Cut up peppers into fairly large chunks and add to pan with
chops. Mix remaining ingredients and pour over chops. Cover and bake 275
for 2 hours.

I think I'll attribute it to the Phoenicians. :-)
