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Alex Rast
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Default Judging or Rating Chocolate(s)

at Thu, 01 Apr 2004 12:24:15 GMT in >,
(SGC) wrote :

>Could someone point me to a source for judging/rating chocolate(s). I have
>the generalities down -- but am looking for a quotable source.
>Thanks in Advance

My favourite, in terms of giving a realistic overview, is in Sandra
Boynton's "Chocolate: The Consuming Passion" (ISBN 0-89480-199-6, Workman
Publishing, 1982) "Evaluating Chocolate" - pp. 69-71. The book, btw, is a
classic which any serious chocoholic should have. Lots of good facts
presented in an humourous, tongue-in-cheek way.

On-line, Domori's guide to tasting (found at is
nicely comprehensive. It isn't exactly a neutral source: Domori is a
(superb) chocolate manufacturer, but it does have a pretty detailed

Seventy Percent's system ( is somewhat
idiosyncratic, and IMHO doesn't put enough weight on the basic flavour of
the chocolate, but it's semi-"objective" in the sense that it tries to come
up with a numerical figure based on clearly established criteria.

However, there is no standardised, uniform way to judge chocolate, at least
not yet. I don't think, however, that a system can be that far away, given
the emerging popularity of chocolate in a similar context to wine. I think
the key ingredient that's needed to make it happen is some way to bring
together major industry players and the serious, dedicated chocoholics
round the world who regularly taste many chocolates. I envision some sort
of association with regional sections, open to membership both by
individuals and by organisations, which could coordinate and manage
activities, chocolate tastings, etc. with people and companies spread over
many countries.
Alex Rast

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