"Bob" > wrote in message
> Goomba wrote:
> > Sooooooooooo.. what part of that recipe made it "Amish"??
> > I have a recipe that actually is tasty and doesn't require a can of
> > cream of anything soup, but I don't claim it's Amish either....
> >
> > 8 pork chops
> > 1/2 cup ketchup
> > 1 tsp salt
> > 1 tsp celery seed
> > 1/2 tsp nutmeg
> > 1/3 cup vinegar
> > 1 cup water
> >
> > brown chops. mix remaining ingredients and pour over chops.
> > Cover and bake 275 for 2 hours.
> Well, that's obviously a DUTCH recipe, so you SHOULDN'T claim that it's
> Amish. Here's a similar recipe of mine:
> 4 pork chops
> 2 green bell peppers
> bottle of chili sauce
> 3 tablespoons prepared mustard
> small can of pineapple chunks
> Brown chops. Cut up peppers into fairly large chunks and add to pan with
> chops. Mix remaining ingredients and pour over chops. Cover and bake 275
> for 2 hours.
> I think I'll attribute it to the Phoenicians. :-)
> Bob
As a die-hard Nederlander, I am hard pressed to figure out what you see that
makes that recipe so obviously Dutch? Tot ziens, Rand