Ok here is the story of what I am looking for....
My mother had a page ripped out of a magazine years ago that had a recipe
for toll house pan cookies, which should be simple to find, right? Wrong,
this recipe was slightly different, as the cookies were made as a bar cookie
and again something that should be simple to make of find the recipe for.
But the difference was the topping. As I recall the recipe had a coating of
crushed peanuts covering a melted topping of chocolate chips. I wish I had
the recipe but my exwife took it when she left and refused to cough it up!
The magazine it was featured in had the recipe and a coupon for Nestle's
Toll House chips all on one page and sadly I am not sure what magazine it
was. That main thing I can tell you is that in the recipe I think (but again
without the recipe, I don't know) it called for either corn syrup or sugar
in the chocolate chip coating or both. I wish I had the original recipe, but
that is simply out of the question. But for those who may know of the recipe
I would greatly apperciate the help in finding it. Thanks in advance for any
Sincerely, E5
PS please email me at
thank you again