In article .com>,
"Kevin_Sheehy" > wrote:
> Goomba38 wrote:
> snip
> > -In 1900, sugar consumption was 12 pounds/year, but in 2000 that had
> > reached 150 pounds/year. So much of that can certainly explain why
> > we're seeing young kids developing Type 2 diabetes (something unheard
> of
> > in years past) and obesity is soaring.
> snip
> I'm in no position to challenge the statistics you cite, but 150 pounds
> of sugar per year is bumping up on 1/2 pound per day. If accurate, that
> number is stunning.
It is. Much of it is due to overconsumption of sodas. High fructose
corn syrup is still sugar. You get 8 teaspoons of sugar (about 40
grams) in each 12 ounce can of soda. Lemonade and southern-style "sweet
tea" aren't much better.
C.J. Fuller
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