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  #24 (permalink)   Report Post  
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JimLane wrote:
> pennyaline wrote:
>> As I said, I am fairly bright. I got Catch-22. I got the cartoon, as

>> It wasn't even wry, just pathetic.

> So, you're telling us that your sense of humor is different and that it
> didn't strike your funny bone.
> Okay.
> Time to move on or is there anything else you need to say about this? Or
> anyone else for that matter?

And then JimLane wrote:
> pennyaline wrote:
>> As I said, I am fairly bright. I got Catch-22. I got the cartoon, as

>> It wasn't even wry, just pathetic.

> As a follow-up, I didn't enjoy it either. I saw the humor, but it is not
> funny.

So, you've moved on?