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Jack Masters
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Shaun aRe wrote:
> Well I must confess I was attempting semi-abstract humour (you were
> talkingabout all the OT in the thread, so I thought I'd randomly go all
> OT... ahem), or at least something like that - the word 'muon' just popped
> into my mind so I uhhm, ran with it - sorta, stream of conciousness type of
> thing, heheheh... sorry!

According to the guide, this is called 'Modelling the flow of
conversation after Brownian motion principles'

>>I used to ponder
>>the mysteries of the universe - now I just try to remember where I put
>>my watch last night.

> Oh, I used to be a real ponderer, a real searcher - I had theories 'out the
> yin yang' as they say. Now I am more content to let life and the Universe
> show me how it all works, what it's all about, by just *being* in, amongst
> and a part of it. I used to think too much and know too little, then I found
> the thinking was not helping me know more, rather it was just confusing
> things...

What you don't know, can't harm you. In assembling any theory about how
the Universe is put together, it makes life much easier not to know too
much, it simplifies the theory. If you get stuck, you know too much 8-)

> I used to love reading quantum physics stuff (only that which was written
> with the layman in mind - wouldn't have understood any more than some of
> that.), metaphysics, eastern religions/mysticism and such - helped make a
> lot of sense out of that which *is* in life and the Universe, and yet is not
> apparent to us for the most part. My favourite book actually combined
> physics, metaphysics and eastern religion(s) together and was *fascinating*
> to me - it was The Dancing Wu Li Masters by Gary Zukov (sp?) - if you ever
> get a chance, you should read that - it's a priceless book!
> ',;~}~
> Shaun aRe