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Bob (this one) wrote:
> Actually, the Atkins "craze" isn't dead at all. What's dead are the
> crappy products that tried to capitalize on it. They didn't do what they
> claimed they did and were rejected wholesale.
> People say the low-carb thing is past and gone when the reality is that
> there are still many, many people doing it. What's not happening is the
> purchase of snacks and other foods being hustled as low in carbohydrates
> when they really aren't. Low-carbers didn't fall for the same kind of
> hype that low fat dieters bought. It's easier to track results with low
> carb.
> The fact that those products didn't succeed isn't an indication that the
> idea is dead; it's that the products didn't deliver what they promised
> and were quickly dropped. Pastas that tasted like old socks and felt
> like plastic. [snip]

I bought a box of low-carb penne pasta for 40¢ at Big Lot's, and it sat
on the shelf for months. I finally used the stuff to make a casserole
much like King Ranch Chicken, but with noodles instead of tortillas.

The low-carb noodles were made with soy flour and semolina, and were
brown when dry. They lightened when cooked, but were still kind of
gray-brown. They were perfect in this particular casserole because the
taste and texture was reminiscent of corn tortillas. I was lucky. They
would have been very dissapointing in an Italian pasta dish -- the
taste wasn't quite right and the texture was nothing at all like real pasta.

If they still have any next time I'm at Big Lot's, I'll buy another
couple of boxes to use just like I used that first box. I wouldn't pay
full price for them.

Best regards,