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  #48 (permalink)   Report Post  
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tuppy wrote:

>>> 8 pork chops
>>> 1/2 cup ketchup
>>> 1 tsp salt
>>> 1 tsp celery seed
>>> 1/2 tsp nutmeg
>>> 1/3 cup vinegar
>>> 1 cup water
>>> brown chops. mix remaining ingredients and pour over chops.
>>> Cover and bake 275 for 2 hours.

>> Well, that's obviously a DUTCH recipe, so you SHOULDN'T claim that it's
>> Amish.

> As a die-hard Nederlander, I am hard pressed to figure out what you see
> that makes that recipe so obviously Dutch? Tot ziens, Rand

The ketchup. The word "ketchup" comes to us from the Dutch "ketjap."

{My attribution of the recipe to Dutch cuisine and my remark above were both
meant facetiously.}
