Linda and Ron Audet wrote:
> "biig" > wrote in message
> ...
> > Linda and Ron Audet wrote:
> > > > "biig" > wrote in message
> ...
> > > > > Does anyone have a favourite recipe for pot roast using
> beer?
[edited for space]
> > Is there any particular reason to cut it into slices before
> cooking?
> > I have always just browned the whole roast (It's usually just a
> small
> > one since there is just two of us and leftovers for a day or two are
> > enough) We're just tired of my old potroast recipe and I thought I'd
> try
> > some new flavours....Thanks....Sharon
> Well, that's the way the recipe was given to me, and I have always
> done it
> that way. I suspect it makes the flavor work throughout the meat more
> effectively. And, of course, the slices would make the roast cook
> faster.
> But I don't see any reason why you couldn't use a whole roast if you
> prefer.
I would agree only mentioning that the beer one uses has a major bearing
on the finished dish and its like. I make a quick variation of the
Belgian carbonade that i got from an Chinese cook. And uses a dark
beer, a porter or a stout, we have a local brand called "Sierra Nevada"
that is good for this, but Guinness is good for these types of recipes.
For 1 pound of lean steak meat, thinly sliced, sauté with 4 tbs.
unsalted butter, 1 thinly sliced onion, and the meat, seasoned with salt
and pepper, add a clove of mashed garlic if desired [some people also
use ginger]. Once onions are soft and meat is browned add 2 cups of a
good dark beer and let simmer for 30 to 45 minutes or until meat is too
desired tenderness. Sometimes just before adding the beer a roux or
other thickening agent is added to the meat and onions, but i do not do
this, preferring the resulting thinner sauce and serving it with rice.
Though i am sure some one will disagree but if cooking with beer forgo
the typical mass marketed "budwieser" or "miller" type beers, go for
robust strongly flavoured beers, if you have a local micro - brewery you
might want to purchase you beer there, around here we have available
wheat beers and French style fruit beers, there is a raspberry beer that
is just delicious but really packs a kick if drank.
Joseph Littleshoes