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Dan Abel wrote:

> Quitting smoking is a good thing for *everybody*, but that seems like
> about the worst time possible, psychologically.

I disagree. I have seen many long-time smokers go cold turkey
when they have a compelling "reason": pregnancy, heart attack, some
bad disease foist on them: it is as if they "see the light" or they
make a bargain: I stop smoking now, and I'll respond to the chemo.
Humans often respond to adversity by mustering beliefs and courage
didn't know they possessed.
I, in my stop smoking pitch, tell the patient about how many people
quit after a heart attack, proving quitting is possible
and urging them to stop before their first MI. I've had few people
quit, and even fewer lose weight and radically bring their sugars
down, but each time is so rewarding, I always hope. Once I was begging
a lady at the fruit stand for some boysenberries (they were out). She
finally looked up at me and squawked my name along with "you saved my
life!" Then in a sotto voce she said "come back at five" and she
had a whole flat for me.
ObFood: baby has discovered ketchup, and a mere spot of it on a dish
will amke him eat *anything* but green peas. Kiddo (getting a little
big for "baby") loves to watch me cook, and stands on a stool shouting
HOT, KOOKing, SHARP-OWIE and, when watching me mix anything, "round an
round an round an round"