In article >, "Del Cecchi"
> wrote:
> But in the US today, people's desired standard of living is much
> higher than it used to be. Back in the 50's our family had one car,
> no ac, lived in a small house, maybe 800 square feet, never ate out,
> and a vacation was driving to visit family in wisconsin (and baling
> hay when we got there). Now a starter home has 2 or 3 bathrooms,
> central air and is about 2000 square feet. People eat out half the
> time and have two or three cars. They travel to Las Vegas, Florida,
> Mexico commonly. Then complain about how hard they have to work.
Have you noticed, too, that it is odd for siblings to share a room
anymore? We have had people ask us if we will move, or renovate this
house to accomodate the kids. We have three rooms acting as bedrooms
now, with this room (our computer, play, craft room) probably becoming
our daughter's room when she gets old enough to require a bit more
privacy. Right now, though, we have us in one room, two boys in
another, and one son and daughter in the third. The kids figure that's
just how people live, after all, Mama and Baba are roomies, so why
shouldn't they have a roommate, too?
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