Calphalon Caveat Query
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Calphalon Caveat Query
> Had I paid full price, I'd trat them like gold. For what I paid, I can
> cook with them over a campfire and not worry too much...
Sorry to follow up my own post, but I just had another look on amazon.
There's another couple of cheap pieces there. For example, there's a
Calphalon Commercial Hard-Anodized 8-1/2-Quart Saucier with Lid
for $40, which they claim is regularly $180. And there's a Nonstick
10-Inch International Griddle/Crepe Pan for $26.
It seems that the pieces which are lowest in price are unusual shapes and
sizes, but the Saucier looks pretty handy.
....I'm an air-conditioned gypsy...
- The Who
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