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Curly Sue
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On Thu, 19 May 2005 12:41:16 -0400, "Dee Randall"
> wrote:

>"Cathyxyz" > wrote in message
>> Curly Sue wrote:
>>> ><grin> Share a room? A *room*? What a luxury! How about share a

>> bed?
>>> What about bathrooms? I know people now with houses having more
>>> bathrooms than inhabitants!
>>> We had one bathroom for the lot of us... Pounding on the door:
>>> "WHO'S IN THERE??? HURRY UP!!!!"
>>> Sue(tm)
>>> Lead me not into temptation... I can find it myself!

>> Just browsing, but couldn't resist this:
>> We have three people and three bathrooms. I like it that way.
>> Sharing a bed is quite a different matter.
>> Cathy - who doesn't have to hop from one foot to the other any more....

>Being one of those persons who have more bathrooms than inhabitants (and
>having grown up without even one until I was about 13), I have found how
>important two bathrooms can be. My f-i-l lives in an assisted-living
>apartment with two bedrooms and one-bath. My husband (and I sometimes)
>spends a lot of time there caring for him as he is ill with cancer. One
>bathroom is just not 'convenient' enough for two people usually, as a lot of
>time is spent in the bathroom, more than one would think. I find myself
>going to bed without brushing my teeth sometimes because of the nuisance
>factor, or brushing them in the middle of the night.

I'm not arguing against having as many bathrooms or bedrooms as you
want. Of course it's convenient even for people who are not suffering
from cancer, chronic diarrhea, terminal narsicism, or their visitors.
I know how much time people can spend in the bathroom; I had brothers.

I'd like another bathroom too... and another dishwasher and a pantry.

I'm not suggesting that you all share the same bed either. Just
pointing out that in addition to having to share beds/bedrooms,
sometimes multiple people had to get by with -oh shock!- one bathroom
and my how things have changed.

Lead me not into temptation... I can find it myself!