What to do with extra jalapenos
"Dee Randall" <deedoveyatshenteldotnet> wrote in
> "Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in
> message . ..
>> "Ray" > wrote in news:k9pMb.3785$q4.3086
>> @newsread3.news.atl.earthlink.net:
>> > I needed a jalapeno pepper for a fajita marinade. My wife had to
>> > buy a whole pack of them at the supermarket. Is there a long term
>> > way to
> store
>> > the extras?
>> >
>> > Can they be frozen? Or will they turn to mush when thawed?
>> >
>> > Any suggestions??
>> >
>> Doan't freeze. Halve or slice and fill a jar with the jalpeņos and
>> white vinegar and store in refrigerator. The peppers can be used in
>> many ways, and the vinegar makes a good seasoning or in salad
>> dressing.
>> Wayne
> I do the same thing with the very small green hot peppers - as small
> as serranos and/or smaller and very hot --that I use 2 or 3 in Indian
> dishes. I buy a tray of them at an Asian store, bring them home and
> fill a "ball" jar with sherry, don't slice them, and then I have them
> to use as I need them.
> I do the same thing with ginger, so in case I run out, I will always
> have some for a dish.
> I slice the ginger into rounds before I pour the sherry over them and
> store in the refrigerator.
> I don't know if it is necessary to put in the refrigerator, but I do.
> Dee
Dee, sherry's a great idea! I do use it to store ginger, but never
thought about it for the peppers. Good alternative when you don't want
to add a vinegar flavor to the dish.