Fudge making promblem
i've made this recipe before, almost the same exact one, 'cept my
directions are slightly different.
(i don't see your original message, and you've probably gotten tons of
good advice already. but all this talk about fudge being "spoonable"? i
might call intended-to-be-fudge but turned-out-to-be-spoonable-stuff
something that starts with an 'f', but it's not 'fudge'! =)
anyway, did you use a thermometer? (if so, did it get up to 234?) i use
a 2-qt pan for this recipe, that may've been the problem, especially if
it didn't get to the right temperature.
(if you haven't made fudge before), it might be taking more work than
you're expecting - the beating at the end. it should say "until no
longer glossy and one arm has already fallen into the pot". i usually
beat mine until it's just starting to set up in the pot, and then work
like crazy to get it out fast enough. (with more experience, i should be
able to beat until just before this stage, but i don't' make fudge too
also, since i know my fudge is going to set up, i usually don't pour
into a pan, but just onto a sheet of wax paper. however, my directions
say pour this recipe into an 8" square pan - i'm guessing that'd be much
thinner than pouring into a loaf pan.
the first "real" fudge i made was peanut butter, and it said cool to
110. so, for all the "add butter and cool to XXX without stirring"
recipes, i cool to 110 instead of 120.
good luck ...
> "Barbara" > wrote in message
> ...
>>I can not get my fudge to harden.
>>recipe below
>> chocolate fudge recipe
>>2 cups sugar
>>2/3 c milk
>>1/3c cocoa
>>2T butter
>>2T corn syrup
>>1/4tsp salt
>>1tsp vanilla
>>Butter the loaf pan.heat sugar,milk,choc,corn syrup and salt in a 3qt
>>saucepan over med heat.stirring constantly,until chocolate is melted and
>>sugar is dissolved.cook stirring occasionlly,to 234*F on candy
>>Remove from heat add butter.Cool,without stirring to 120*f.Then add
>>vanilla:beat continously with wooden spoon for 5-10 minutes until,no
>>longer glossey.Spread in pan and cool until firm.
>>All help needed.Please reply to the newsgroup.
>>Thank you very much