In article <99lje.12221$dd.11844@trnddc09>, "Chris"
> wrote:
> "Melba's Jammin'" > wrote in message
> ...
> > The First Lady of my state has invited me to a dinner in my honor.
> >
> > OK, me and maybe 45 others. (Details, details)
> >
> > How cool is that?
> Way cool, Barb!! When is the dinner?
> Something about "notable women."
> > (And here I was hoping it was because I'm so darned cute.)
> Well, I'm sure that once they see how cute you are, you'll get
> another invite.
> > Personally, I think she's cadging for some homemade jam and pickles.
> I think you've got her number!
> > And what kind of guest would come without a hostess gift? Hmmmmm? I
> > will certainly include pickle hats, too.
> And brownies!!
I'm way ahead of you. In 2000 I won the blue ribbon for White Bread at
our State Fair -- and the prize for the best of all the jams. She'll
receive both. Gotta put that jam on something, donchaknow.
> Go Barb!
Thanks, Chris. It's four weeks out.
> Chris
-Barb, <> 5/8/05.
"Are we going to measure, or are we going to cook?" -Food Critic Mimi Sheraton