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  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Seems sort of the recipe I use. But when the pasta is cooked and
drained I put it back into the still warm saucepan on a gentle heat,
the pat of butter added and then egg mixture (and sauted bacon pieces).
I give it a really good turn or two with a large spoon to make sure the
heat cooks the egg mixture. I agree, there is nothing worse than
seeing slightly raw egg clinging to the pasta.
I keep the butter to a minimum. I sometimes add finely chopped onion to
saute with the bacon. Oh, I also add a couple of tablespoons of white
wine when the bacon has finished sauteing.
It is a oft requested easy dinner for Sunday nights.
I don't know how many diners your friend was catering for in his
recipe, e.g. 6 eggs? But my qtys do well for 2 persons if anyone wants
me to post it....