On Fri, 20 May 2005 18:56:35 -0500, Damsel >
>From www.webster.com :
>Main Entry: 1ca·bal
>Pronunciation: k&-'bäl, -'bal
>Function: noun
>Etymology: French cabale cabala, intrigue, cabal, from Medieval Latin
>cabbala cabala, from Late Hebrew qabbAlAh, literally, received (lore):
>the artifices and intrigues of a group of persons secretly united to bring
>about an overturn or usurpation especially in public affairs;
>also : a group engaged in such artifices and intrigues
>synonym see PLOT
>This sounds mysterious and somewhat dangerous. How can I sign up?
The secret handshake gave it away. People who are not members of the
Cabal are offered an unwashed "raw chicken hands" handshake.