Creamed cauliflower
jmcquown wrote:
> Bill Green wrote:
> > I love creamed cauliflower , but don't know how to make it ; Any
> > help please ;
> It's pretty simple. Steam the cauliflower until tender. Then make a white
> sauce - you'll want a medium one for this. 23Tbs. butter melted, sthen stir
> in 2 Tbs. flour. Season with salt & pepper. Add 1 cup of whole milk, half
> & half or cream. Stir and cook the sauce until thickened. Pour over
> steamed califlower. Heat through.
> Jill
We like to add a can of cream of celery soup to , cooked just until tender,
cauliflower , add a splash of worcestersauce , and a clove of minced garlic.
Heat through and serve.