Thread: Airline food
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On Sat, 21 May 2005 18:45:19 -0500, jmcquown quoth:
> Northwest doesn't, but I'll be on the plane anyway on June 1st

Northwest once had the best airline food for a short while in
the late 1990's - they were handing out lavosh (sp?) wrap-sandwiches
that were quite good, and full of fresh veggies. It was a no-brainer -
these simple, tasty, crispy, fresh things were exactly what airlines
should serve.

Eventually for some unfathomable reason they went back to the
stupid TV-dinner style hot dinners and the vending machine style
stale-roll-and-lunchmeat lunches that mades airline food such a joke to
begin with. Perhaps their laywers were afraid fresh food might cause
food poisoning, and made them switch back to the preservative-laden stuff
that bacteria couldn't grow in. Frankly, I don't miss those much,
except for the little cookie or chocolate packets. Warm bagels and
yogurt would be nice on the red-eye flights, though.

I'll be flying on Northwest for the next 3 days...woo, more FF miles!
I will be bringing my own trail mix.
