Margaret Suran wrote:
> BOB wrote:
>> Margaret Suran wrote:
>>> Melba's Jammin' wrote:
>>>> Leila, how do you select a grape leaf worthy of stuffing?
>>>> Does the grape varietal make a difference?
>>>> How do you prepare them for stuffing? Blanch them?
>>>> Inquiring Mind Wants to Know.
>>> For more years than I like to admit, I thought that a grape leaf was
>>> part of the male anatomy.
( All the statues I saw as a child,
>>> had
>>> such a leaf covering the naked male's marble, stone or metal
>>> crotch.
>> Usually those are fig leaves. Unless, of course, the fig leaves are
>> being cleaned.
>> BOB
> I stand corrected. I suppose that grape leaves would have been too
> small in most cases.
They would certainly claim that to be the case!