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Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article >, Terry Pulliam
> Burd > wrote:

>>Ooooh, Barb! The DH just *loves* beef jerky and you sure can't find
>>any *I'd* eat from the supermarket (the DH eats canned hash, so is
>>Tommy Tango-esque in that dept.). I've had good beef jerky from
>>(usually) roadside stands, but never saw a recipe that made sense.
>>Since *you're* vouching for this recipe, and I know from personal
>>experience that you know from food, I bought a food dehydrator about
>>30 seconds after I saw this post. And what a buy! Oy! has a
>>Ronco FD5 food dehydrator "list price: #120.95" and their price is
>>$35.71. I don't know if this thing's any good or not, but at that
>>price, with free shipping, whattheheck.
>>Muchas gracias amigo viejo!

> Amiga vieja to you. "-)
> I've never made it; just eaten the stuff Paul's sent.
> Such a deal you got on the dehydrator -- a moral obligation to purchase!
> zxcvbob can tell you more about using one that I can.


I've got one of the American Harvester dehydrators from a few years
back that the no-longer-living-here child conned me into buying. Want
to take it off my hands?
