"jmcquown" > wrote in message
.. .
> This site is being done by a cat-loving friend of mine who knows I
> love to
> cook. It's a work in progress and the format is bound to change a bit
> as I
> send her more recipes. I think it's cute and she literally threw the
> main
> page together in a couple of hours.
A great start! My little ones are gonna love those kitties!
I really need to organize my on-paper recipes, which are all shoved in
an about-to-explode binder (a la Costanza's wallet). Need to come up w/
a category breakout that makes sense for me. Most of the recipes are
stored electronically, but our computer is not near the kitchen, so I
keep printouts of the tried and true recipes in my binder...maybe seeing
what you've accomplished so far will inspire me to get moving on my own