Broiling Round Steak in a Toaster Oven?
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wrote in news:1116837726.317681.284170
> I am a college student who happens to broil round steak on a regular
> basis in a normal oven. Of course, I have to marinade the steak for
> about 24 hours to tenderize it, but it actually doesn't taste half bad
> and it's a lot cheaper than the more tender cuts. In either case, I
> have recently, for a variety of reasons, decided to consider broiling
> round steak in a toaster oven rather than in my regular oven, and I was
> wondering how well this would work. I know a toaster oven does have a
> broil setting, but would it truly be hot enough to cook a relatively
> tough round steak? Would it cook it evenly at all?
> Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Swann
I have a small toaster/convection oven. I've had great results cooking
sirloin tri-tip roasts (2" thick) using convection heat. Cooking time is
relatively short (approx 40 minutes) at 400 degrees. The roast plumps up
nicely, browns beautifully and tastes wonderful, like it should.
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