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wrote in news:1116872154.397374.112000

> Andy wrote:
wrote in news:1116837726.317681.284170
>> > I am a college student who happens to broil round steak on a

> regular
>> > basis in a normal oven. Of course, I have to marinade the steak

> for
>> > about 24 hours to tenderize it, but it actually doesn't taste half

> bad
>> > and it's a lot cheaper than the more tender cuts. In either case,

> I
>> > have recently, for a variety of reasons, decided to consider

> broiling
>> > round steak in a toaster oven rather than in my regular oven, and I

> was
>> > wondering how well this would work. I know a toaster oven does

> have a
>> > broil setting, but would it truly be hot enough to cook a

> relatively
>> > tough round steak? Would it cook it evenly at all?
>> >
>> > Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> > Swann

>> Swann,
>> I have a small toaster/convection oven. I've had great results

> cooking
>> sirloin tri-tip roasts (2" thick) using convection heat. Cooking time

> is
>> relatively short (approx 40 minutes) at 400 degrees. The roast plumps

> up
>> nicely, browns beautifully and tastes wonderful, like it should.
>> Andy

> But that wasn't the question.
> The poster asked if they could BROIL a round steak in a toaster oven.
> No mention of Convection, which would seriously impact the timing of
> the cooking process. Not to mention, you're talking about a tri-tip
> "roast", which is usually twice as thick as the typical round steak
> would be.

Well ain't you just an anal ray o' sunshine!
