Ohboyohboyohboyohboy - pork cutlets - recipe
In article >, TammyM
> wrote:
> Melba's Jammin' > wrote:
> Sounds really nice, Barb. So why isn't the sis speaking to
> ya? I can't believe Ma Schaller ****ed off the sis :-)
> Tammy
> Sacramento, CA
LOL! She called while we were having supper and asked if I had the
particulars for a jam recipe. Said I wasn't sure but I'd look. (I
didn't mind --supper was about done.) While I was looking, (she on
line) she said she'd fake it. I said I thought I was close to the
particulars. Then as I was saying I'd found it, she interrupted again
and I said, "If you'd shut up and listen, I've GOT it." That's when she
hung up on me. :-) I called her. Wouldn't answer; call went to
answering machine. I said, "Oh, fercripesake, quit pouting and pick up
the phone -- I've got the particulars for you right here. (time
passes). Still not going to pick it up? Well, t'hell with you, then."
I've seen her, let's see, twice since, and phoned twice and she either
won't take my call or, in one instance, kept on walking past me. I
decided I'd make her talk to me. :-) I approached her and asked some
questions (this was at a mortuary reviewal). Terse answers and she
never took her eyes off what she was looking at. Tsk, tsk.
And before any of you get your panties knotted about "t'hell with you",
know that it's been said casually between us and TO ME by her for a very
long time. It is NOT a condemnation to a chair in the front row in
front of the furnace.
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail;
a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn,that was fun!"