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Default Eagles & Donovan McNabb CHOKE!

Virginia Tadrzynski wrote:
> Oh so true.........what ever was that poor black boy doing out of the cotton
> patch thinking he could possibly compete with the white boys. Please tell
> God's Chosen Limbaugh that we women are taking off our shoes, and putting
> back up the chain that only allows us to run between the kitchen and the
> bedroom, okay. That is if we can do that over getting pregnant
> again........will that satisfy your bigotted ideals of America?
> Donovan McNabb has nothing to be ashamed of. Limbaugh on the other hand was
> probably standing in line to refill yet another prescription. This time
> maybe an antipsychotic?
> People like you should be ashamed of yourself. You are part of the reason
> the rest of the world looks at America as a bunch of ignorant *******s.
> -Ginny

Right on, Ginny.

gloria p