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"Shaun aRe" > wrote in

> "Dog3" > wrote in message
> 1...
>> "Shaun aRe" > wrote in
>> >
>> > This one, more or less:
>> >
>> >
>> >

>> <recipe regretably snipped for space but link left above>

> Why you utter *******!
> ',;~}~


>> More snippage for space<<
>> I have never made Moussaka but I sure love to eat it. I usually order
>> it

> at
>> restaurants. I kept the recipe and will try it soon.

> Hope you enjoy it as much as we did!
> For some reason, I expected there to e some garlic in there, but not a
> bit...
>> I shall report the
>> results back It looks pretty time consuming but well worth the
>> effort. This looks like a long, lazy Sunday recipe to me.

> You'd think from the whole 'best done over 2 days' comment, but Kath
> knocked it up in no time at all - started at around 5:30 - 6 p.m. and
> we were eating it by about 8.
> Oh, one other thing I forgot to mention (and I mention it with a
> certain sense of *utter* shame...) - because it was a bit last-minute
> this, we couldn't find any suitable fresh hard cheese like parmesan,
> pecorino or similar in time (did *not* fancy cheddar with this - yuk!)
> - She went to the local stores - zilch - Kath bought <gasp> a tub of
> <choke> dried, powdered 'hard Italian cheeses' from Buitoni. ;-(

UCK!!! I hate *those* types of cheese. Powdered cheese is an abomination
but I've used it before myself. Amazing what we'll do in a pinch. One of
my shameful secrets is Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. It *has* to be in the
blue box. None of those boxes with the fancy schmancy processed cheese
liquid. I love the powdered cheese in those little blue boxes. I have 7
boxes on hand right now. *sigh*, due to dietary restrictions I'm only able
to snack on them once in awhile.

> Now I call this kinda stuff 'freeze dried puke', but this tasted
> surprisingly inoffensive even right out of the tub, by the time it was
> cooked, it was even less bad - it didn't ruin the whole thing like I
> expected it to, but I bet the dish would be to DIE for with good,
> fresh parmesan or pecorino in there, rather than just 'damned bloody
> good' as it was.
> Cheers!
> Shaun aRe

You are forgiven the cheese decision I think I'll make it with beef.
I'm not a lamb fan although the SO is. I damned near hurl when he's fixing
his leg of lamb thing. Then he can't eat it all and it sits in the fridge
for days and days until I finally sneak it out into the garbage.
